Partners for education
Čierna labuť
During the year 2017, we became an active partner of the opinion-based portal Čierna labuť ("Black Swan") implemented by the ŽIVICA organization. On a quarterly basis, we offer to the public many interesting reports on the current waste related issues, such as waste prevention, separation and recycling.
The Institute of Applied Ecology DAPHNE
Since 2011, The Institute of Applied Ecology DAPHNE is our partner in ensuring the educational programs for children from nursery and elementary schools, especially in the region of Bratislava. Since September 2017, DAPHNE performs the event-based eco-education also in the premises of the eco-educational centre of the Bratislava waste incineration facility – so called OLO Centre.
Thanks to the cooperation with the waste collection company KOSIT, we ensure educational activities in the regional municipality of Košice city. For this cooperation, the company developed the Center for Environmental Education KOSIT, which has been organizing eco-educational activities and excursions to the waste incineration facility for Slovak schools since the year 2007.