NATUR-PACK managed the first half-year as Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO). The company participates in the education and information activities in the partner municipalities since July 1st, 2016, in order to improve the intensity of separation and recycling of the selected components of municipal waste (glass, plastics, paper, metals, electric and electronic waste, batteries and accumulators).
In addition to other education methods, from the long-term point of view NATUR-PACK apply a direct eco-education by means of experience programs for children from nursery up to high schools. We brought these activities to thousands of children in Bratislava, Košice, Prešov, Kysucké Nové Mesto, Kremnica, Pezinok, Modra, Hlohovec, Leopoldov, Piešťany, Partizánske, Topoľčany, Rimavská Sobota, Čadca and other municipalities. Nearly 10 000 children and 728 adults joined directly the eco-education of NATUR-PACK during the second half-year of 2016.
This is to thank cordially to our lecturers and partners for an extraordinary success of the eco-education, as they are able to familiarize the issues of waste separation to both, children and adults. Special thanks belong to DAPHNE Institute, EKOVYLETY.SK, OZ EVIANA, OZ Deti čistej Zeme (Children of Clean Earth), the team of film festival Ekotopfilm – Envirofilm, and last, but not least, OZ ŽIVICA. :-)
January 11th, 2017