The Slovak Parliament adopted two governmental proposals of acts in the waste management legislation, prepared by the Ministry of Environment SR, on October 17th, 2018, that will enter into force since the year 2019.
Waste Act
Governmental proposal amending the Act No. 79/2015 Coll. on waste, as amended, that introduces:
- implementation of provisions on boat recycling,
- adjustment of the procedures on illegally placed waste,
- changes of the special purpose financial reserve,
- cancellation of the agreement obligation between the packaging producer fulfilling his individual obligations and respective coordination center,
- introduction of collection targets for separated collection of the municipal waste components – packaging waste and waste from non-packaging products in the municipalities in Slovakia.
You can find the link to the Act Amendment No. 79/2015 Coll. by clicking HERE (only in Slovak).
Act on fees for the waste landfilling
- obligations on fees and their calculation respecting the collection targets,
- establishes the Environmental Fund as a subjects that will receive the incomes from waste landfilling and operation of sludge deposits received as a compensation from waste and sludge disposal, and amending the Act on Environmental Fund.
You can find a link to the Act No. 587/2004 Coll. amendment by clicking HERE (only in Slovak).
NATUR-PACK will inform about particular amendments after publication of the approved proposals.
October 18th, 2018