Programme supported by NATUR-PACK received a prize of the Minister of Environment - deserved



Green School Programme, a  component of the world-wide educational ECO SCHOOLS PROGRAMME, received a prize deserved for a long time!

The organization  ŽIVICA received this prize from the Minister of Environment SR Mr. László Sólymos on June 5th, 2017, during the event celebrating the World Environment Day.

It is necessary to remind that the Green School Programme is implemented in Slovakia over a period of 13 years, and the non-governmental organization CEEV Živica coordinates it. NATUR-PACK became a partner of this programme guaranteeing the waste segment in the year 2014. Our successful cooperation was started even earlier in the framework of educational software development “Do not faint from waste”. The software was created in the year 2012 and it belongs to the favorite educational programs in the elementary school throughout Slovakia.

The number of schools that join this unique programme permanently increases - actually reaching more than 300 schools. Receiving the international Green School certificate is not easy at all, and it requires a tremendous effort of both, pupils and teachers. The WASTE issues represent one of the obligatory topics that should be addressed actively in the school, but also on the local level of municipalities.

NATUR-PACK as a contractual partner of nearly 1100 self-governments, including cities Bratislava, Košice and Prešov, promotes and supports the Green School Programme, as well as the other unique activities developed by the organization Živica that can serve as inspiration for other schools. We will make available an original methodical-educational material – Inspiromat – with waste as a dominant issue to the schools in our partner municipalities as soon as in autumn 2017. It is a verified educational material for teachers that was tested during the systematic work with Green Schools, and it will be used out of this programme for the first time.


You can find more information on the Green School Programme: HERE

You can freely download or start online the educational software "Do not faint from waste": HERE

Visualization of the educational software "Do not faint from waste "


June 6, 2017