The company NATUR-PACK published on the last day of the school year its first Annual Report as a Producer Responsibility Organization, as it became a PRO after basic legislative changes during the year 2016
NATUR-PACK team symbolically baptized the 2016 Annual Report on July 3rd, 2017. Mrs. Mária Molnárová, Director of Client Department responsible for nearly 7000 our clients, and Mr. Ladislav Pálfy, Director of Economical Department responsible for cooperation with 1095 municipalities and app. 90 collection companies became the “god-parents”.
Serving to the clients who ensure the financing of the separated collection in the municipalities by means of recycling fees, in parallel with the educational activities for public represent the main activities and mission of the Producer Responsibility Organization.
NATUR-PACK will remember the year 2016 for a long period of time as it was a breaking year with revolutionary changes in its middle in the framework of waste management. In addition to many legislative changes also the status of Authorized Organizations changed to Producer Responsibility Organizations. Moreover, NATUR-PACK celebrated 10th anniversary of its foundation.
Implementation of the new waste legislation introduced extremely high number of changes and many components still do not work according to our expectations. However, we are pleased that we jointly managed to overcome the transition period.
We managed it thank to excellent cooperation with thousands of our clients, more than thousand of municipalities, tens of external co-workers, non-governmental organizations
(ŽIVICA, DAPHNE, EKORAST, Deti čistej Zeme, EVIANA ...) and other partners and friends.
July 3th, 2017