The company NATUR-PACK performed more than 70 analyses of the separated waste components since the year 2018 (paper, plastic, glass) in the premises of the partner self-governments throughout the territory of Slovakia. We have developed our own methodology for these analyses. We publish the results of our analyses subsequently, and we point out the most frequent miscarriages of the waste separation.
The selected results of our analyses of the separated waste components are published also by means of our YouTube channel “NATUR-PACK for the public”, where you can watch the reportages from several analyses performed in the municipalities of Bratislava, Prešov, Trebišov and Štúrovo. Additional ones will follow later.
The first sequence of the reportage describing the results of analyses of blue containers in the municipality of Štúrovo was published, recently. You can have an insight to the work of the waste collection personnel, and also to the activities “behind the scene” of preparation for the waste analyses themselves. You will understand the analyses results during the second sequence of the reportage. If you wish to learn more, follow the on-line reportage published on the portal “Black Swan”: