NATUR-PACK became a finalist in the Pontis Foundation Award competition VIA BONA

NATUR-PACK became a finalist in the award competition VIA BONA announced annually by the Pontis Foundation for responsible companies. We entered the competition with the project YouTube portal NATUR-PACK by which we develop educational reportages and videos for self-governments, for the public and producers.

It is a great honor for us and we are grateful to all our friends, partners and followers among producers, non-profit organizations, self-governments, collection companies and also public, who had a merit for that success. They enrich us with inspirations and ideas for our reportages on both channels, and many of them we create jointly.

We thank to our active producers who themselves initiate education and other CSR activities including the fight against the pandemic, as companies KAUFLAND, PRELIKA, ŠVEC GROUP, we thank also to PANTA Rhei, MONDI, BROSE, we thank to the collection companies spoločnosťiam OLO, KOSIT, we thank to the non-profit organizations CEEV ŽIVICA, INCIEN, DAPHNE, Deti čistej Zeme, EVIANA, Slovakia Going Zero Waste, we thank to Braňo Jobus, to lecturer Andy Popovič (EKOVYLETY), to the author of Garbage Gobblers portal, to influencer Viktor Vincze, to singer Thomas Puskailer, to the initiatives NIE SOM PRASA, Less Waste Run and MIESTA PREČ, small shops BEZOBALiS, Púpava a Odvážene and many many others.