Miniseries for you: Watch HERE and NOW!

We introduce a handy educational tool. Basic information for entrepreneurs was processed to create a five episode series. If you are also selling any goods in packaging, this series is just what you need.

What is it about?

An entrepreneur offers its goods to the customers either in packaging, or offers the packaging itself. Packaging will inevitably become waste, which should be subject of separated collection.

 Did you know that, for example...?

The costs related to the separated waste collection are covered by the Producer Responsibility Organizations. They use the contributions from entrepreneurs for this purpose. Moreover, the entrepreneur by his membership meets his obligations stipulated by the Waste Act.

A responsible and fair businessman

A professional chooses professionals for cooperation. He fulfills the obligations responsibly. Of course, it may happen that he is not aware of certain duties. This is why we decided to elaborate a brief manual that may be useful. Will it help you too?

The series aims to inform entrepreneurs about the utmost important obligations resulting from the Waste Act. And about ways how to fulfil them effectively.

Watch the entire series right now. In this link you can find also the contact form:


Let's to introduce a model situation. A businessman place on the market a product in a package, for example paper box. The consumer properly places the box into the blue container for separated waste. The collection company transfers this paper waste for processing.

The bill for collection and transport of the paper waste will be sent by the collection company to the Producer Responsibility Organization, which reimburses it.


This abbreviation means Producer Responsibility Organization, which collectively fulfills the selected obligations on behalf of entrepreneurs.



Packaging lifecycle

Entrepreneur who places a packaging on the market, or a packed product (definitions of which are grossly generalized for the purposes of this article) to be used by the final consumer, is responsible to take care of the packaging over its entire lifecycle. Even after it become waste.

The entrepreneur fulfills the particular obligation to take care of the packaging throughout its entire life cycle by contributing to the system for collection and transport of separated municipal waste – by means of a PRO.

Now imagine that the entrepreneur should contribute to the collection of separated municipal waste, but he does not fulfill this obligation. The receipt for the packaging he put on the market will be paid by other entrepreneurs.

Behave responsibly and approach your duties like a professional.