We have been promoting environmental education since 2008, because we realize that the importance of the individual in waste recycling is undeniable. We mainly focus on school and pre-school youth in close cooperation with NGOs.
In the first half of 2013, we have organized or participated in several environmental projects. In the school year 2012/13 we have run:
Programs in kindergartens
- „Triedime odpady s NATUR-PACKom“ (We are separating wastes with NATUR-PACK)
- In English version "Waste separation in magical land oakies".
Programs designed for children in primary schools
- „Kam putujú odpady s NATUR-PACKom“ (Where do wastes go with NATUR-PACK)
- "NeOPDADni z ODPADov" (Do not faint from wastes) - an educational software designed for interactive whiteboard, which is currently being developed in the Hungarian version.
For kindergartens, primary and special schools
- OLOMPIÁDA - educational and entertaining program
From April to June there were events designed for the general public
- Zažite Deň Zeme na Železnej studničke (Experience Earth Day in Železná studnička)
- Enviro film (Enviro movie) ‒ the event was documented in a short video.
July 11th, .2013