Eco-design Regulation: What changes to be expected?

Council of the European Union finally adopted the Eco-Design Regulation. It is a component of the Green Transformation Project.

The Regulation sets out the requirements for so called sustainable products. It replaces the existing eco-design regulation. Moreover, it extends its scope beyond the energy products – meaning that it involves all types of products except cars and defense and safety related products.

New requirements define durability, reusability, upgradability and reparability of the product

It lays down rules on the presence of substances hindering circulation, energy efficiency, effective exploitation of resources, recycled content, remanufacturing and recycling, carbon and environmental footprint and requirements for information and product digital passport.

18 months

Industries will have 18 months for meeting the eco-design requirements stipulated by the European Commission by means of respective acts.

What is the difference between a directive and a regulation?

Follow the video with Roman Šterbák, who explained these terms in our education video-podcast #ROZHOVORmeSA.



Regulation introduces a direct prohibition of the destruction of unsold textiles and footwear. It is expected that similar bans will be introduced also for other products in the future.


As regards products sold online, the Eco-Design Regulation will be aligned with the Digital Services Act.
