Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) postponed by one year, i.e., from December 30, 2025

The effectiveness of the Deforestation Regulation, also known by the acronym EUDR, has been postponed by one year. The amendment to the regulation, including the change in effectiveness, was published in the Official Journal of the EU on December 23, 2024.


The effectiveness will be applied based on the size of the company as follows:

  • Large and medium-sized enterprises – December 30, 2025
  • Small enterprises and microenterprises – June 30, 2026

The regulation applies to 7 commodities and specified products derived from them, defined in Annex I of the regulation, whose origin must be traced carefully to prevent deforestation.

Commodities and examples of products falling under the EUDR:

CommodityExamples of products
Palm oilPalm nuts, palm oil, glycerol
SoySoybeans, flour, oil
WoodFirewood, charcoal, raw wood, wooden buildings, OSB boards, tableware and kitchen items, wooden furniture, wooden packaging, paper and cellulose, books, newspapers
CocoaCocoa beans, cocoa butter, chocolate
CoffeeRoasted, unroasted, decaffeinated, coffee husks, shells
CattleLive animals, meat, meat products, hides
RubberNatural rubber, tires, inner tubes, clothing


The scope also includes packaging made from wood and paper, but only empty packaging, meaning the actual manufacturer, importer, and distributor of these packages are responsible. Non-packaging products include printed books and newspapers, where responsibility lies with both the manufacturer/importer and the distributor of these products, meaning obligations will also apply to bookstores, for example. Similarly, the obligation will apply to anyone trading in chocolate or coffee.

We have also addressed this issue in the ODPADY magazine (here and here). In the "ROZHOVORmeSA" format, we discussed the EUDR regulation in December 2024.

Additional information, as well as the full Annex I and II, can be found in The library for manufacturers.



Source: Regulation (EU) 2023/1115 of the European Parliament and Council on making certain commodities and products linked to deforestation and forest degradation available on the Union market and their export from the Union, repealing Regulation (EU) No. 995/2010