Pre verejnosť 06.09.2021
NATUR-PACK responded to the call of Slovak Environmental Inspectorate for cooperation in the
Slovak Environmental Inspectorate (SEI) called the Producer responsibility organizations to cooperate in the issues of brown bear presence in the residential areas. The problems with so called synanthropic bears are to a certain extent related to the presence of containers for separated waste and improper separation practice. The PRO NATUR-PACK responded immediately and adopted necessary measures.
Pre klientov 21.07.2021
NATUR-PACK looked back at 2020
The NATUR-PACK team looked back at 2020. If you want to know more about us and our activities, watch the video version of the annual report for 2020 or read its brochure below in this newsletter. We thank all clients, partners, collection companies, partner municipalities and non-profit organizations for their cooperation.
Všeobecné 14.07.2021
We analyzed waste collected by volunteers in the nature: see the results!
If you are interested to see the results of the community project “Bag by bag: Let us clean-up the forests Pečniansky les, Soví les and hrabiny” and the outputs of the analyses of collected waste, read the press release of the VÚB Bank and watch also the reportage on YouTube channel NATUR-PACK for public.
Všeobecné 08.07.2021
COOP Jednota launches an educational project “Jointly – ecologically”
On 7 July 2021 the representatives of the cooperative retail chain COOP Jednota and the PRO NATUR-PACK presented at the press conference launching of the new educational project “Jointly – ecologically” which will help the consumers to separate the waste properly.
Pre klientov 23.06.2021
NATUR-PACK has created informational videos for manufacturers, regarding single-use plastics
Following the new obligations of manufacturers under the Directive of the European Parliament and Council of the European Union on the reduction of the environmental impact of certain plastic products, the NATUR-PACK team has published new videos on the NATUR-PACK YouTube channel for clients.
Pre klientov 10.06.2021
Commission guidelines to the Directive on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic pro
Commission guidelines to the Directive on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic