• Pre klientov 30.07.2024

    On our YouTube channel, we inspire our clients with examples of good practice

    NATUR-PACK video-production in a long-term approach uses YouTube channels NATUR-PACK for public and NATUR-PACK for clients. Our clients have an option to reports on their own examples of good practice of sustainability and environmental protection as a bonus of our cooperation. By using of these options they can not only inform the public, but also serve as an inspiration for improvement to other companies.

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  • Pre klientov 26.07.2024

    Eco-Design Regulation introduces new obligations for manufacturers

    Eco-Design Regulation was published in the Official Journal of the European Union. Twenty calendar days later, it entered into force. This day falls on July 18, 2024.

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  • Pre klientov 23.07.2024

    The Year 2023 with PRO NATUR-PACK

    NATUR-PACK became the market leader thanks to the ability to cooperate. Fulfilling our mission would not be possible without active cooperation with a number of companies, organizations and individuals.

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  • Pre klientov 18.07.2024

    Eco-design Regulation: What changes to be expected?

    Council of the European Union finally adopted the Eco-Design Regulation. It is a component of the Green Transformation Project.

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  • Pre klientov 02.05.2024

    Miniseries for you: Watch HERE and NOW!

    We introduce a handy educational tool. Basic information for entrepreneurs was processed to create a five episode series. If you are also selling any goods in packaging, this series is just what you need.

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  • Pre klientov 02.05.2024

    The involvement of everyone is essential for the fairness of the system

    Approximately one thousand businessmen, producers, importers, transporters... do not fulfill their obligations related to the packaging waste. They do not contribute to the operation of the municipal waste separation system – despite the packaging waste they introduce to the market ends in the separated municipal collection. One can say, they exploit the system, illegally.

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