Pre klientov 26.11.2020
NATUR-PACK achieves the waste management targets
Extended producer responsibility is a concept that applies in the waste management sector since the year 2016. The producers finance through this principle the costs of separated waste collection by means of producer responsibility organizations.
Pre klientov 30.10.2020
Amendment of the Waste Act and the Act on depositing of the single-use packaging for beverag
So called “quick amendment” No. 285/2020 Coll. entered into force on October 14th, 2020, amending the Act No. 79/2015 Coll. on waste, amending certain acts, as amended (hereinafter referred to as “Waste Act”), amending also the Act No. 302/2019 Coll. on depositing of the single-use packaging for beverages, amending certain acts, as amended by the Act No. 74/2020 Coll. (hereinafter referred to as “Amendment”.)
Pre klientov 01.10.2020
Lecturer of the PRO NATUR-PACK: The importance of eco-education
The company NATUR-PACK actively supports the environmental awareness in the waste sector on a long-term basis.
Pre klientov 07.09.2020
NATUR-PACK looked back to the year 2019
The NATUR-PACK team summarized the year 2019.
Pre klientov 07.09.2020
EU financial tools for strengthening the green renewal and economy recovery
European Commission plans to support investments to the innovative technologies by an Innovation Fund in order to reduce significantly the emissions of greenhouse gases, with focus to the following segments:
Pre klientov 17.06.2020
Expanding portfolio of non-packaging products since July 1st, 2020?
The planned modification of the municipal waste definition (hereinafter referred to as “MW”) since July 1st, 2020, is taken into consideration by our company from the preparatory period of the Waste Act update during the year 2019, in parallel with the impact of this modification to the existing system of Extended Producer Responsibility, as well as to the collection of separated waste components in the municipalities and cities in SR.