Pre klientov 09.03.2022
NATUR-PACK fulfilled the obligations on behalf of the largest number of producers in SK
The PRO NATUR-PACK fulfills the delegated obligations on behalf of the largest number of clients among all producer responsibility organizations (PRO) on an annual basis. Up to 7 900 companies were represented by the end of the year 2021. Packaging producers, producers of non-packaging products, electric and electronic equipment as well as producers of batteries and accumulators are our clients.
Pre klientov 22.12.2021
PF 2022 from NATUR-PACK
The NATUR-PACK team wishes happy Christmas and successful New Year 2022 to all our clients, partner self-governments, collection companies, non-profit organizations and all other partners and friends.
Pre klientov 02.12.2021
Information on the transposition of the SUP Directive
Transposition of the Directive on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment through Act no. 430/2021 Coll., which amends the Waste Act and the Act on the Deposit of Disposable Beverage Packaging and the amendment will enter into force on 1 December 2021.
Pre klientov 01.12.2021
Distributors of beverage packaging - ATTENTION! New obligations are coming into force
From 1 January 2022 it is necessary to distinguish between reusable beverage packaging (e.g. glass bottles for certain mineral waters, beer…) – obligation regarding their distribution and deposit-return schemes is dealt by the Waste Act, and single-use beverage packaging (beverage PET bottles and beverage cans – the depositing obligation from 1 January 2022) - the deposit-return obligation is dealt by the Depositing Act.
Pre klientov 09.11.2021
Transposition amendment to the Waste Act approved
Transposition amendment to the Act No. 79/2015 Coll. on waste, as amended (hereinafter referred to as “amendment”) approved by members of the parliament on November 2, 2021, relates to the single-use plastic products. Its requirements originate directly from the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2019/904 on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment.
Pre klientov 05.11.2021
NATUR-PACK further develops the YouTube portal
The NATUR-PACK team continues in the development of the YouTube portal by issuing of further reportages on waste prevention, proper waste separation, as well as the examples of good practice on the side of the producers. Nowadays, we filmed with our client MOBILONLINE. We produced a film material for two reportages.