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How it all works?
Manufacturer | Seller | Distributor
Covers 100% of the costs of sorted collection for residents through the Producer Responsibility Organization (OZV).
Producer Responsibility OrganizationIt refinances the costs of sorted collection to collection companies. It also ensures education and fulfillment of the recycling limits of the collected sorted components.
Sorted collection
Municipality | Collection companyThe municipality is a contractual partner of OZV and the collection company, while the collection company provides technical security and processing of sorted waste in cooperation with the municipality and OZV.
Membership benefits
We are trusted by the most clients (more than 8,000) among all OZVs
- We will fulfill registration obligations, implementation of changes, reporting obligations to the Ministry of the Interior on behalf of manufacturers
- Free advice, free education
- Representation and protection during SIŽP inspections
- Availability for manufacturers at branches throughout Slovakia
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